St. Peters Church, Tempsford

Services at Tempsford are only occasionally recorded. The latest recordings are here:

  • Holy Communion

Tempsford: 570
Little Barford: 30 

St. Peters Church, Tempsford 

Tempsford is a village split by the A1, with the Methodist church being in Station Road and St Peter’s Church in Church Street. 

St Peter’s has a very small congregation; this is sad but we do what we can to keep everything going, although we no longer have regular bell ringers in Tempsford to remind people there is a service. 

Fund Raising is well supported by the village; we have various fund raising activities throughout the year, from a walking group who come for tea and cake, Summer and Christmas Fayres, and our 12 Days of Christmas. We also have a flood light sponsorship appeal which is ongoing throughout the year. 

The Stuart Memorial Hall is situated in Church Street, and plays a great part of our village life. The hall is well supported by the village and also people from outside the village, with thriving WI, yoga and dance classes, hogmanay, King fisher Players plays, village show and a Tempsford Museum. 

The Veterans Service in the summer is well attended.

Then we have our major festival services; Easter, Harvest, Remembrance, and Christmas, and these are often reasonably supported by the village. The Ascension Day service for the whole Benefice is held in St Denys Church in Little Barford as is our beautiful Christmas Carol Service. Over the past few years attendance at this service has grown in numbers; the church being lit only by candlelight makes this a very extra special service at St Denys Little Barford. 

We may be small in numbers, but we have a big heart and strive to keep St Peter’s going for as long as we can.

December 3rd 2013 is the day Prince Charles came to Tempsford to unveil a memorial statue to the very brave women who flew out of Tempsford airfield during WWII. His visit began with a 15 minute service in St Peter’s Church. The service was taken by Reverend Margaret Marshall, and the church was full of veterans and their families, and also dignitaries from around the world. Following the service, the Prince walked over to the monument where he placed the last tile into place, (the rest of the tiles were put in place by the children of the village). He then spent some time speaking to the children and their families before heading into the Wheatsheaf pub to have a pint and a chat with the veterans. This was an incredible day for our church and our little village, and a day we will not forget.

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