Serving Roxton, Chawston, Colesden and Wyboston
Whilst the church is not kept open a key may be obtained from the Post Office located in the car park of the Royal Oak public house.
We usually record a service each week across our benefice
This is the latest from Roxton:
Holy Communion
The Church
The church is dedicated to St Mary Magdalene and is listed Grade II*. It is 14th century with 15th century tower. It has a fine rood screen. The 5 bells are rung regularly and the organ is in regular use. There is access for vehicles and disabled parking. There is a reading room, kitchen and toilets. The open churchyard is maintained with help from the parish council. A public right of way passes through the churchyard and is part of the Ouse Valley way.
This is a typical, unpretentious country church and its peacefulness and tranquillity are remarked upon frequently by visitors. However, apart from being a wonderful place for worship and prayer it often hosts other secular events such as concerts, flower arranging demonstrations and our annual Christmas fayre.
Our worship and Ministry
You will always find a warm welcome at any of our services. In each month our pattern of services includes said eucharist, a lay-led all age family service and an occasional morning prayer. We often join together with the rest of the benefice for a service rotating around the churches.
Other special services include Remembrance, Mothering Sunday, Harvest festival, Easter and Christmas services, including a crib service. The church has become increasingly popular for weddings in the last few years.
Do check the services tab on this website to keep you updated of times and venues.
Services are also published in the weekly Pew news. If you would like to receive a regular electronic copy of this, please contact Anne: 07545 700243 or email:
Organisations and other activities:
Thanks to our great facilities we have successfully run a weekly breakfast club during term time, particularly encouraging young mums, dads, grandparents and anyone who cares to join us to pop in with younger children after dropping their older siblings off at the school.
Other activities include a monthly CAMEO (come and meet each other), also based in church. Occurring monthly too is ‘Outreach’ but this group meets in the Village Hall at Wyboston and is led by our Lay Reader.
We would be very pleased to see you at any or all of these events.
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the church wardens:
Norman Pethybridge – 01234 870335
Anne Cattanach 07545 700243
Messy Church
On Saturday, 25th November, 39 adults and children enjoyed a morning of Christmas crafts, a talk and song from Rev Graham, followed by a hot lunch. The adults were lovely, and the children sparkled – possibly due to all the glitter used!
Many thanks to all who helped and everyone who came along.