Graham’s Weekly Message

On my walk this week I was accompanied by this little fellow along the footpath towards Sandy. I thought he looked rather plump – maybe he’s overeaten during the festive season, but he has been busy appearing on many cards etc. I wonder how many people have vowed to lose weight, having put on a few pounds over Christmas and the New Year? Whether you are one of those people who makes New Year Resolutions or not, we all like to be healthy and ready for the coming year.

No one knows what 2025 will bring; there will be some nice surprises and perhaps there will be times of hardship and sadness, and quite a few events that will fall between those two extremities. Whatever you will encounter through the year I hope for one you are able to find the strength to continue through the tough times as well as to celebrate the good times. I read a quote the other day that said, “We only have one life so take all the opportunities that come your way”.

My own experience is: my faith in God gives me a solid foundation with which to face the ups and downs of life. As you travel life’s journey this coming year, I hope that you too can find a faith that will enable you to meet head on the obstacles and the good times that will cross your path. The church is ready to welcome you so that you may be encouraged to explore a Christian faith as we worship and study together.         

May you find God’s blessing in the coming year

Revd Graham

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