The builders have now arrived at the Rectory, ready to begin the extension on the house. All the marking out has been done, ready for the foundations to be dug out. Nothing much can really happen until the foundations are laid, and then the building can begin. There are a number of references to building in the Bible, not least when Jesus is described as the cornerstone. The reference in the letter to the Ephesians, in the New Testament, speaks of the foundations being the apostles and prophets, with Christ as the cornerstone being the first building block around which the rest of the family of disciples is built – the church.
We know about the physical building that is the church, needing continual maintenance and repair; it needs many thousands of pounds each year, with a lot needed for major projects. The Bible is of course referring to our spiritual being, and our faithfulness, trust and love being built around Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. This doesn’t come cheap either, as we try to live out our lives following the commands of Jesus, and living the way that he lived his life whilst on this earth. As Jesus was willing to sacrifice himself on the cross, so it will take sacrifice on our behalf to live as one of his disciples.
It will perhaps mean abuse and ridicule from those who do not believe in Jesus Christ, but the rewards are great as Jesus promises eternal life to those who believe in him. It takes strength and courage, but with the help and support of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome all those adversities despite experiencing them. I hope that you can put your trust in the one who gave his life so that we can live life in all its fullness.
With God’s blessing
Revd Graham