Graham’s Weekly Message

On one of my few days off this past week, I was privileged to go to a classical concert in Nottingham; a concert of music composed and conducted by Sir Karl Jenkins. He is a renowned composer of many pieces of music, some of which have been used for television commercials – and there is one piece called The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace. The pieces of music that make up the whole move towards the promise that peace is better than war – which happens to be the title of the final movement.

I’m sure we are all aware that peace is better than war, especially as the events unfold on a daily basis, both in Gaza and Ukraine. We see the death and destruction, the starvation and lack of medical care on our television screens, and wonder where it will all end. Some commentators are indicating that we are only one step away from all-out war in the Middle East. A lot of people will be sitting at home wondering what will happen next and hoping that the world does not take the step that pushes the conflict over the edge.

As we have been hearing in the resurrection story over the last couple of weeks, one of the first appearances of the risen Jesus to his disciples was in an upper room, and his greeting to them was, “Peace be with you”. In their fear, the disciples were hiding away from the authorities as they thought that they too were in danger of being arrested, tried and crucified; travelling the same path as Jesus. We may feel helpless about the situation and negotiations in Gaza and Ukraine, but we do have access to the peace that Jesus promises to us as individuals – that is peace within our own soul, and, as we know peace can spread into the lives of those we know and meet!        

With God’s Peace and Blessing this Eastertide.

Rev Graham

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