My picture this week is of one of the birds that visit our garden every day, but he is never alone. He usually comes with his mates or his family. The most I have ever counted in one go is nine. They all seem to descend at set times during the day – meal times I guess! They perch up in the trees and bushes surrounding the feeder, and come down to feed.
I suppose, like Mothering Sunday just gone, they come to eat together and be sociable with one another. It is good when families can come together and share a meal and spend time together. I know there are lots of families in the world who do not have that opportunity; they are parted by conflict, employment in far off places and some by illness and bereavement.
In two weeks’ time, the church family will come together and celebrate Easter – the rising of Jesus Christ from the clutches of death. It is a great occasion and the most important day of the year for Christians everywhere – without it the church as we know it would not exist. Everyone is welcome to our churches in the benefice on Easter Day; there is a service of Holy Communion in each church.
Whether you celebrate with Easter Eggs, Easter bunnies or in some other way, why not come and celebrate with the church family on this wonderful day? You are sure to receive a warm welcome, with most churches offering refreshments after the service. Please come along and help us celebrate together as one family, the risen Lord Jesus.
With God’s Peace and Blessing as we approach Easter.
Revd Graham