Revd Graham’s weekly message:
The first of November in the church’s calendar is celebrated as All Saints Day. When we think of saints our minds automatically turn to stained glass windows, shrines or tombs in ancient buildings and perhaps our local churches: dedicated to saints from long ago. Very rarely do we think of modern-day saints, although some may think of Mother Theresa as the most recent of the saints.
Have you ever thought that we all have the potential to be modern-day saints? We may not perform great acts that make the headlines in the media, but we may be saints because of the little things that support those around us in our communities. It doesn’t mean we have to be canonised, as saints were in the distant past, but the alternative definition of sainthood is to become a member of the company of heaven. That means we need to have a faith in God.
We are told in the New Testament that faith without action is useless, and that we need to live out our faith in the community. God’s love for us should compel us to love others and that love should enable us to care for those around us. We sometimes hear the phrase, “You’re a saint” – that is because someone has taken the time and effort, and perhaps gone out of their way to help someone in need.
I hope that we can all be saint-like in our outward living, especially as we move into the colder months of the year in this season of winter. We occasionally sing a hymn in church which has the first line, “Brother, sister, let me serve you”. I pray that you will live out those words in your daily life.
With God’s peace and blessing
Revd Graham